Everyone in attendance at Leeds Hackspace is expected to abide by The Rules and our Health and Safety policy.
Becoming a member (in this order):
- Visit on an open day/evening, have a tour of the facilities and meet the members [always free, repeat visits welcome, unfortunately you can’t use any equipment tools until you’re a member].
- Sign up to be a member on the laptop by the door.
- Set up a standing order and make a first payment [concessionary discounts available].
- Join Slack & the mailing list to interact with our community online.
- E-mail the directors to arrange an Initial Induction, usually on the next open day/evening.
- Initial Induction: This is an orientation on the space and is required for you to inducted on tools or to be in the building when it’s not an open day/evening.
Congratulations – You are now a probationary member of the Hackspace.
You can now arrange to be inducted on tools (laser, table saw, etc…) and can also use the space when there are other 24/7 members on site (use slack or phone to arrange).
The next step is to become a 24/7 “full” member. This allows you to unlock the space yourself and to use the facilities 24/7 – though some ‘lone-working’ rules apply. Turn up and get your face known. Prove to people that you can work safely, sensibly and are helping the Hackspace community.
After a few weeks you can ask two members that you’ve spent time with to ‘vouch’ for you to become a 24/7 member. If you have shown yourself to be a positive asset then people will step forward quickly to vouch for you. As long as the Directors haven’t received any complaints or concerns then you receive your 24/7 induction and are now a full member.
Here is what you get for becoming a member:
Membership – £25 per month.
- You start as a probationary member with access to the Hackspace 24/7 via card while the space is opened by a full member of the Hackspace
- A membership RFID card
- You will be given a short induction into the workings of the space.
- Access to tools, including those that require induction, for example (but not limited to):
- Laser Cutter
- 3D Printer
- Vinyl Cutter
- Heating Press
- CNC Mill
- Permits use of and access to equipment and communal resources (soldering irons, capacitors, ‘to hack’ hardware scrap)
- Storage space where available
- The ability to run for Director of the Hackspace at an AGM
- Vote in meetings taken by the Hackspace
- A say in how the Hackspace is run, operated and what additional tools and equipment the Hackspace acquires
- The ability to become a full member
- Opportunity to run and arrange workshops if desired
Please Note: membership is currently only open to people over 18 years of age. People younger than 18 are welcome to visit in accompaniment of a responsible adult.
Student/ Unwaged/ Low Waged Membership – £12.50
- This gives access to the workshop, all its tools and equipment while the space is opened by a key-holding member of the Hackspace. You can also apply for 24 hour access.
- Welcome to visit outside of the typical open evening/day times for a suggested donation of £5, but please contact one of the directors or members (details here) to arrange your visit beforehand.
Full Member
To become a full member with unrestricted 24/7 access you must first be a member.
- You will need two full members to vouch for you to become a full member yourself. We try to make this a painless as possible but it is a way to see that a new member has enough common sense to have unrestricted access to tools and not be a hazed to themselves, others, or the Hackspace.
- We try to be proactive about getting people 24/7 unrestricted access as we want you to get the most out of the Hackspace and so a committee member will often come to you and offer you 24/7 access. If you have been the the Hackspace a few times and haven’t yet been approached, ask a couple of member you have met about sponsoring you or speak to a committee member who will try to help you.
- If someone has inducted you on a machine they are likely to vouch for you too.
- What do we look for? Using tools sensibly- and asking how to use tools you are unfamiliar with instead of guessing. Following the rules. Not making a mess and leaving it to inconvenience someone else. Not creating hazards for yourself, others or the Hackspace.
- Once you have two sponsors a committiee member will take you through your induction which coveres opening and closing the hackspace and your responsibilities.
- Being a full member grants the ability to access the Hackspace by yourself and open it up for probationary members of the Hackspace
- Full members are particularly responsible for probationary members and non-members using the Hackspace when they have it open and using the Hackspace.
If the monthly £25 membership fee is difficult for you, or you have other circumstances affecting your ability to pay, but you still want to be a member, then get in touch with the directors with details on your circumstances.
You will be required to provide us with personal details when signing up to become a member of the Hackspace. We have a signup station inside the entrance to the Hackspace to take your details and give you the information you need to know to get involved.`
Membership subscriptions are paid by standing order to ‘Leeds Hackspace’, using your name as a reference, to these HSBC details: